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AboutNetsun EU

Netsun EU is a subsidiary company of Netsun China which operates the famous chemical directory Chemnet.Com.

Known as the largest Chemical Network in China, the mother company was founded in Dec 1997, and eventually listed in the China Shenzhen Stock Market in Dec 2006. Until now the company employs approximately 1,000 professionals with expertise in various fields such as information technology, chemistry and analytical chemistry. Headquartered in Hangzhou China, the company operates with 18 offices located at every angle of the Country. Impressively the company provides a broad range of comprehensive services to more than 10,000 Chinese Chemical Companies.

Netsun EU was envisioned back in 2005 as REACH was about to take place and finally founded in the Netherlands in 2007. Netsun EU plays an important bridge between China and Europe, to provide REACH services to more than 1600 non-EU manufacturers. Furthermore Netsun EU is equipped with many skills of 50 Reach experts specialized in chemistry and well trained for REACH compliance by our company and partner such as DHI.